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The source and the true age of the nations and races on earth

The source and the true age of the nations and races on earth

One short but important note about the definition „race“

Beware of racism

The souls of white humans incarnate in black or yellow bodies or vice versa, according to their karma. The black man you hate now may have been your white OR black (or other complexion) brother, mother, sister, father in a past life. The white man you hate now may have been your white or black (or other complexion) brother, mother, sister, father in a past life.

A short but important note on the term „race“ The term „race“ per se discribes nothing more but vestures for the divine being in the particular race. Races means, that we all stand in a racing contest.We all are racing to reach nirvana (if we choose to…). Each evaluation always only and concerns the outergarb, never the essence or rather the divine being itself, which learns trough the race. In all of us is an invidual different god that drifts to nirvana, (if „he“ chooses to…) the highest goal of all human and gods. It is up to us what we want to be, either the impermanent cover and garb or the immortal core. But where did the humans, where is everything, coming from? To which race do or did they belong? Most of us,as strange as it may sound to those who are not familiar with esoteric science, most of us were already human on the rootplanet of the earth, who later cooled down and died to be the moon of today. Past,present and future on earth is similiar to what it was on the moon, though now higher developed. Most humans, animals,plants and stones on earth were,with some exceptions,already humans,animals, plants and stones on the moon,but less developted.

The tribal ,national and family races and their lifeperiod The lifespan of all human races is due the changing of the axis of the earth, which itself is moving around the axis of ecliptic and therewith describes eyery 25.920 years a perfect cone. The orbital movement s,shadowed from moon and earth, are precessional cycle. The key to the secret of the relationship between races,their lifeperiod and the precessional cycle is almost always the number 7. Divide 25.920 by 7 and you get the lifeperiod of a line generation,about 528 years. This divided by 7 results in about 75,which is the midlifeperiod of the human,while the statistically calculated lifeperiod average only 15 to 20 years because we have to take into consideration the millions who died in wars,accidents or epidemics, etc. even often before the ending of childhood. But how long is the lifeperiod of a family race?7 x 25.920 or 181.440 years,of course it is not only the precessional cycle,which defines our lifeperiod,no,it is mostly the interaction between sun,moon and the equator of the earth.The rest is easy.If you know which race is a tribal, national or family race,then you also know how long that race still hast o live. But these are only coredata, because races are able to life much longer, since they are overlap and float in waves,thats why we talk about „lifewaves.“ Those who study THE BOOK OF LIGHT already know about the lengh of the lifeperiod of the seven big rootraces in past,present and future.

Individual humans

Tribal generation

528 years ( italians,english,russians,germans)

Liferhythm:200 years rise-200 years fall,plus overlapping time which could last about 50% of the lifeperiod.This also counts for all other races and their lifeperiods.

Tribal races

3.702 years Slavs : Russians,polish,czechs,bulgarians teutons : germanic,skandenavians,english and practically all european nations are teutons,keltic,irish, and walis are tribal races,also scotch and residents of the bretagne.

National races

25.929 years ( unity in blood and language) Those who live in the new world belong to a national race ( redskins aztecs,incas,etc..). The mongolians are a national race.The polish,germanic,french,swiss,russians,greek,bulgarian,english, all scandinavians,belgians,dutch,portugese and all spanish build together a national race.

Family race

181.440 years Caucasian are a family race.To them belong the europeans,americans and the hindu. The hindu however do not belong to our european national race.Mongolians are also a family race.To them belong the chinese,manchus,japanese,lolo, tibetans.

Why generally races exists?

Species and races are nothing but transient states of desire of divine beings. In a world of transiency we yield to the illusion of eternity.Each lifeform be it in hell,on earth or even in heaven,is the result of wrong thinking,because in truth we do not belong there ,we belong where we came from, Whoever thinks this way, thinks the right way. AUM.

Adam Adam-Eve.

Adam is not a man and surely not the „first“man,but rather the general term for a race,that is to say one – or the – androgyn human race.Man and woman was one, like the book genesis 5, confirms in chapter1-2-3″….Adam and Eve were-and their name was Adam.“ THEIR name,that means the name of Adam-Eve or man-woman in one,was Adam,namely an androgyn creature, male-female, Adam-Eve in one, who later(18.000.000 b.C.) splitted in men and women or Adam – Eve in Adams and Eves,and than they reproduced sexually.This is very clear and makes more sense than to assume, that we are all an imbreeding product of one couple. And one must then further explain, were Kain found his wife in the land of Nod? Where does she come from suddenly? Another proof for the fact, that Adam was androgynous, was found in the bible by Mahasiddha. See for yourself: 1 Genesis 27: „So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.“ THEM, not him, them meaning the androgynous race of male-females, Later forged by „Young`s Literal Translation“ into „And God prepareth the man in His image; in the image of God He prepared him, a male and a female He prepared them.“ Becomes suddenly a totally different meaning, does it?

The apple is the vorbitten fruit of the fading life,from which we-the human kind (Adam and Eve),taste,again and again,incoarnation after incarnation,until we reach release in nirvana(if we decide this).The snake is the needful temptation,without there will be no overcoming.

Americans 4.500.00 B.C.

Americans are the remains of the forth atlanteen and the fifth aryan rootrace,altogether located here onthis continent to settle the sixth rootrace which book will be the book of light and which hymn will be deva.

Andaman islanders 18.000.000 B.C.

The andaman islanders are the“last true australians“. Now their monads will pass on to higher species. For millions of years nothing really changed in australia, and now this continent will be formed by new races. However australia is one of the oldest continents over water, australia is“the old virgin“.

Arabs 9.000.000 B.C.

Arabs are the descendants from mixed atlanteans and early aryans.The arabs did not get their

peak until now, but they will fall like all other races, bodies and spirits .Only NIRVANA is real. AUM.

Africans 9.000.000 B.C.

The african races were those races in which million years go the less developted Beings incarnated. But: The africans will one day rise up to a high culture and then they will (most of them) fall again like it happens and happened with each race (white,red,brown or black). The africans are the physical descendants of the fourth rootrace and some even of the fifth aryan rootrace, which includes blacks and whites. When the Beings incarnated in the african race they did not have (until that time) the karma of this race, who misused their intelligence. The african race is a race, caused by karma, which is different from all other black and white races. Only those who study THE BOOK OF LIGHT will understand. Per definition the africans are caucasian mongolian africans. But if one thinks that caucasian or/and aryan only means white, or that aryans are only white people he must definately study THE BOOK OF LIGHT. Racism is caused by lack of esoteric knowledge. The souls of white people incarnate in black or yellow bodies and vice versa, according to karma. The black man you may hate now, could have been your white brother in a past life. The white man you hate now could have been your black brother (or mother, sister, father of any other complexion) in a past life. The doctrine of reincarnation, as taught in THE BOOK OF LIGHT, is the enemy of the racism and will finally return to all races and complexions or rather to those who are ready for THE BOOK OF LIGHT. AUM.

Ayrans 4.500.000 B.C.

Ayrans have all skin colours,because the definition „ayran“comes fron the sanskrit word „ayra“.That means worthy or holy and was a tiltle,which was given to the cleric in india.Later the name „ayran“ was used for a race and today it is missused by fanaticans they name themselves „aryans“ and they don`t know anything about the true source.In the book of light the word „ayran“ is used for the fifth rootrace, they had their source about 4.500.000 b.C.(coming from the forth rootrace).This was at the time while atlantis began to sank into the ocean.The end of the ayran race:4.500.000 a.C. Anchestors from the fifth and sixth rootrace are allready here… Ayrans and/or atlantoaryans are:americans,arabs,babylonians,caucasians,keltic,europeans,germans,gotic to a less procentage.Jews,hindus,oscans,romanians,samnitans and scandenavians.

The Astral Races 300.000.000 B.C.

By that are meant the first seven astral embryonical humanities. They were not more than a transparent shadow and appeared (again) on earth about 300.000.000 B.C. at the beginning of the fourth round. They belong to the first rootrace and manifested themselves on the „holy indestructible continent“, today known as the northpole. So human life began on the nothpole oft he earth. The first rootrace spent their lifes in an uncounscious condition, because at this time they had not yet received mind by the manasaputras (the sons of mind). So they did not know, that they belong to where they came from and not to were they were about necessity. Oh Lanoo, conquer your mind mith mind. The astralraces are the true ancestors of what today are our physical bodies. Aum. The first race disappeared into the second race through osmosis and endosmosis. Their bodies were gigantic cells, which reproduced by self division, like the cells of our bodies still do today. The third race split into men and women and reproduced sexually from then on.

Ethiopeans 9.000.000 B.C.

The ethiopeans are the left over from the fourth atlanteen race.Million of years ago they lived in the lanka of today;lanka belongs at that time to the atlanteen continent (or what of that was left over).Later than the ethiopeans went from lanka to india. But what now is called lanka,is only a part of a more bigger continent,this from the aboriginal asia-atlanteen lanka,which now rest on the ground of the ocean.But for how long?The greek named the anchestors pf the ethiopeans „east ethiopeans“.Their skin was black,that is why they got called „the folk with the burned skin“ or even ethiopeans. Later,much later the ethiopeans went out of the east from southindia and from the aboriginal ceylon to egypt. Nowadays the ethiopeans got represented from the tamils.Before they were also called rakshasas,which was the sanskrit name of the native of the aboriginal lanka.Today we comprehend in india under rakshasa a devil. The ramayana,the great indian epic,describe the rakshasa as bad gigants of the later atlanteen race. But this is not the whole truth,and like the name already whistle,because it also means“protector“(from raksh=protecting).The rakshasas were well known ,that they were serving brahma, therefore the name rakshasa or protector.But why man called the anchestors of the ethiopeans devils or demons?Because, how the book of light teach,some of those atlanteen races or rather their anchestorsof the ethiopeans keeps busy with black magic.These blackmagians fought against a part of the pure aryan race.And these aryans or arya called thesearyan magicans yakshas or rakshas,what indeed means „bad ghost“ or“ „gremlin“ or“devil“or“not incarned naturell ghosts“,like some“orientalists“ wants to make us so believe.

Australians (Aborigines)18.000.000 B.C.

The andaman islanders are the“last true australians“.Now they go to pass by.Over millions of years nothing really changed in australia,and now this continent will be formed by new races.However australia is one of the oldest continents over water,australia is „the old virgin“.

Aztecs 9.000.000 B.C.

The aztecs are part of a national race or rather of the new world race, to which also belong the redskins, the incas and many more.The roots of the aztecs lead back to the atlantean race. There is a strong affinity between the hebrew and the aztec language. The hebrew pharesees have on their heads bandelets with a square protuberance on them, also found at terracotta figures. This is no wonder: The hebrews copied these emblems like all others and claimed them then to be of their own culture. The aztecs have almost the same calendar like the egyptians. More about it in THE BOOK OF LIGHT.

Egyptians 9.000.000 B.C.

The egyptians belong to those atlanteans ,who escaped from their blackmagic brothers. They left an evidence of their great culture, the pyramids, whose true function is explained in this book. The whole truth about egypt and the great egyptians can only be revealed to those, who seriously study THE BOOK OF LIGHT. When did they flee without their atlantean initiates from their cursed island to egypt? When it was newly built – because of the nile river.This happend befor the sinking of poseidonis (9.465 b.C.). Thus it is not contradicting to say, that the egyptians and their culture are 20.000 years old but also 150.000 years. The egyptians received their laws and knowledge from prevedic india. Because: A continent can be populated in waves. First primitive, then the higher developed ones later. Thats how it happened with egypt and india. Egyptians are east ethiopians.They came before and after the sinking from the last remains of atlantis (platos poseidonis) to india. And when I say before the sinking of the last atlantean island, I mean, before the mainpart of atlantis began to sink, this was millions of years ago. The pure atlanteans foresaw the disaster and as atlantis started to sink, those atlanteans , but also the aryan initiates, migrated to the new land, to america, africa and parts of india. But when america rose up, it did not have the stucture of today. Then the first roots of the egyptians showed up and afterwards main india of today. The egyptians also have atlantean roots, because their ancestors escaped from the sinking continent, and during millions of years of searching for new land, they lost all their memories of their native continent (except the initiates). If we talk or write about egypt, then we mean the different immigrations in different egypts, before the egypt of today got formed by the nile river. Then, after this happened , more colonists were coming from the sinking poseidonis. But at this time the pyramid was already built . The great pyramide cheops is about 150.000 years old. More about DAS ILLUSTRIERTE BUCH DES LICHTS.

Babylonians 6.000.000 B.C.

They came, like most of us, from middleasia, in this case from the southeastern part. They arrived together with the assyrians, the meden and the persians to the indian peninsula . Babylonians are – or rather derive from – the atlanto-aryans.

Basque 4.000.000 B.C.

The basque and the dravidian races from south india have one source in common: Atlantis. The affinity between the dravidian language and the basque language is obvious, while there are no similarities between the basque and the european languages, and that is the reason why the basque want their own state and independence from spain. The true reason, though, for the quarrels between basque and spanish is: Reincarnation and national karma. Which is, why we can say, that the basque, the cromagnon or caveman and the canary island guanch are from the same atlantean race. But:The anchestors of the basque were atlanteans with a highly developed culture and civilisation, while the cromagnon or caveman is a leftover from the degenerated part of the forth atlantean rootrace. Some of them had even Sex with animals, which led to the ancesteors of the apes of today. The basque belong to the pure branch of the atlanteans.

Blackfellows 9.000.000 B.C.

The blackfellows from australia and tasmania belongs to the degenerated part of the forth rootrace,those who repeat millions of years before the sins of their brothers from the third rootrace and had sex with animals,in this case with monkeys.

Burmese 9.000.000 B.C.

The Burmese belong to the mongolian family race. They differ clearly from the caucasians. But:Many of the Burmese, who are usually called mongolians, are not mongolians (look at mongolians).


Outcasts from the old india. Ancestors of the Jews, which makes them (the Jews) the youngest (and not the oldest) race in the history of mankind (6000 – 8000 years).

Chinese 9.000.000 B.C.

The chinese belongs to the mongolian familyrace and are atlanteen source.China therefore is not the country of origin from the chinese,they only immigrated there.As the atlanteen chinese about 4.500.000 years immigrated to the china of today,this china was babaric and uncultured.

Germans 4.500.000-1.000.000 B.C.

The germans belongs to the fifth rootrace.Those who lives now in germany have more atlanteen blood,those who lives in america belongs more to the aryanrace which already goes to degenerate (collapse of the community through outliving of the fleshly desires). Germans are(which expections) roundheads od dolichocephalics.They belong to the european root and will pass by 14.000 a.C.together with the european continent.

Gotic 7.000.000 B.C.

The assyrans,persians and greek were the late anchestors of the european ancestors which generate the gotic and the other races,they populate a wild and young europe.Gotic are more atlanteen than aryan. More about it in THE BOOK OF LIGHT.

Greek 9.000.000 b.C.

Greek are pure atlanteen source. More about it in THE BOOK OF LIGHT.


Means „over the river“.The hebrews themselves have no own culture,but rather they were like the japanese influenced very strong from other cultures.The same applies to the hebrew language that wastaken from the egyptian,chalderian etc.,also means it has the roots in other languages. This even you can recognise about the name“hebrew“which found their source in greek.The greek „hebraios“turns to „ibhri“and than to the aramaian“ebrai“,Hebrew is more a language than a race.Hebrew is also the language of the jews(look at jews).

Hindus 4.500.000 B.C.

Hindus are native aryans from india.Thats why the old name from india is aryavarta or „country of origin from the aryan“.India also is named bharata or bharata varsha.As the early migrated aryans settled down at the river singhu(the persians named it hindu)the persians named these aryans hindus and their country hindusthan.Country of origin is hindus.Look at the hindus and you will recognise right away they are aryans.A hindu is also someone who practise a lot of the hindu religions,which are all together named under hinduism.As a race the hindurace is,just said,aryan and a part of the caucasian familyroot.

American indian 9.000.000 B.C.

It is not really possible to talk about native american indians,because north and southamerica got populated from different atlanteen races from different directions.Some came from different parts of atlantis others came from the pacific. Who was there first?all and noone.We all are coming from the“hood“,from the northpole or rather the undestructable ground and populated later the compacting continents.So much could be said;the so named american indians are all atlanteen source.Look Stanza X in the „book of dyzan“.Main authority from Blavatzkys „secret science“:the first in each zone were mooncoloured,the second yellow like gold,the third red etc.“The red“ were the atlanteen anchestors from „the red“ of today,that means the american indians.America or the americans got populated over million of years from different atlanteen races.But „the red“ came from different parts of atlantis,what the same skincolour but the different physiological types of the american indian explains.While they are anyhow similar in the profile like you can see for example at the irokese,the sioux,the cherokee and of the south and middleamerican indians.


The incas belongs to the national race of the north and south continents from the new world.Like the aztecs they came from the forth rootrace.This gigantic ruins of their buildings are very similar to the collosal ancient onces in europe and with the ancient european nations,because they were once atlanteens.

Irish 4.500.000 B.C.

The irish belongs to the „pure“part of the atlanteen race.

Italians 4.500.000 B.C.

They belong to an underrootrace,were almost disappeared,but than they showed up again through the influence of new blood but they will disappear in a fewhundred years.An essence only use a race that long that they need to learn through it and than it will be born again in a new higher race.The race is nothing,only a tool,only a dress for an essence,and after use been thrown away.Races come and go when the mission is done.

Jews 8.000 B.C.

The jewish race descends from one eastindian race and is about 8000 years old.Jewish are also aryans,because aryans means wise and godly and is based of the fifth rootrace.Study the book of light and you will understand.Later the name „aryan“and all the connected symbols was missused. The book of light certainly teach that 1.the jewish folk per se not exist 2.there was no exodus of the israelites out of egypt 3.the diaspora is only a legend 4.therefore the fews do not have a requirement on palestine. This doctrine was confirmed now from the faimed jewish historian professor Shlomo Sand,university Tel Aviv,in the magazin“der Spiegel“.Get a look at the link. I only can guess that the jewish professor copied this from the english book of light,in which this doctrine could be read since more than a decade.Than about two years ago the professor Shlomo Sand published his book „the intention of the Jewish People“. So be it how the thruth is going to be announced,the important thing is it is going to be announced….

Caucasians 4.500.00 B.C.

The caucasians includes the hindus and the europeans,the hindus do not belong to the european national race.Chinese,manchus,japanese,lolos,tibetans,burmese,siamese and malysians do not belong to the caucasian group.The ancient egyptians belong to the caucasian type.About the skincolour:there are white and black aryans,like there are white and black caucasians. The lightskinned nothman is that much caucasian like the darkskinned southitalian. Spanish are portugise ones.Only those who study the book of light will understand the thruth meaning of the word ( and the race ) „caucasian“.One tip:all races imigrated after the big floot 4.500.000 years before into the area,today called“caucasus“.Nevertheless there is a difference between the white aryans and the dark caucasians,although in the spirit we are all gods and we are all one.Aum.

Keltic about 2.000.000 B.C.

The keltic belongs to the european part of the fifth rootrace.From another point of view you can name the keltic also the hybrid of aryans and european iberians.

Lolo 4.500.000 B.C.

The lolo are the native from china.They are the true chinese which belongs to the underrace of the forth rootrace.This race split in the black and white magicans.The anchestors of the lolo were the pure chinese,the white magicans.As the fifth rootrace just arrived in asia(million of years ago), the lolo had reached their summit of their civilisation.Lolo are inland chinese from high figure.If we were able to translate their in lolo written scripts,than this would affirm in special the book of light an in general the esoteric science.If the lolo are the real chinese, what than the chinese of today are?They emanate from a hybrid blend between atlanteens and aryans.The lolo however share almost the destiny of the todas,as man get fail of their true nature. The chinese Shu-king(4.part,cap.XXV II page 29) describe the lolo as „Mao-Tse“ or as an perverted,antiquarted race,which withdrawn in caves and their descendants could found still today in the neighbarhood of canton.These descaendants are indeed lolo,but eiter they nor their anchsestors were degenerated but they belong,like just said,to the pure part of the seventh underrootrace of the forth atlanteen rootrace.If we also look at a lolo,than we see one far away descendant of our own urururanchestors. That much for the rahabilitation of honour from the lolo.

Malaysians 9.000.000 B.C.

The malayians belongs to a mongolian familyrace.A familyrace lives seven times longer than a national race or seven times 25.920 years.

Manchus 9.000.000 B.C

. The manchus belongs to the mongolians. More about it in THE BOOK OF LIGHT.

Maoris 6.000.000 B.C.

The maoris from new sealand are like the blackfellows and the tasmanians a part from the degenerated sector of the fourth rootrace.

Mongolian 9.000.000 B.C.

Mongolians are atlanteens.

Oscans (from os=god) 4.000.000 B.C.

The oscans was an archaic folk,which lived in campania,italy.They belonged to the fifth rootrace and get mixed with the atlanteen which got escaped from the sinking continemt atlantis and they escaped and established under the guiding from manu to the centralasian highplateau.As the water turns back the oscans left centralasia and populated geece.Than,much later,a new group from them developted in a great populationwave and got settled in italy,and one from this sector of this race today is known as (t)oscans.

Persians 4.000.000 B.C.

Persians are late asia atlanteens.It is a less known thuth that the persians was a high spirituell race.They are or was for sure more spirituell than for example the greek.Fot the spirituell but also for the culturel envelopment of the european history it would have been much better if the greek did not conquer the persians,because of this than they did not force the persians their infuence on and also not europe.

Pygmies 15.000.000 B. C.

The pygmies are an underline from the last underrace of the third rootrace.They desended from the swarftrace of the polish,but as that time they were double time large as our lagest human today.These race got mixed with animals,later also with the other pygmies and gigants(secret science). But the degenerated left over of the third rootrace builded later an own but less developted part of the atlanteen rootrace and repeat the sins of their anchestors in the sexual relation with animals which results in the anchestors of the monkeys.

Rakshasas 9.000.000 B.C.

The rakshasas are the natives from lanka,their anchestors goth hated from the aryans because of their blackmagic.But the rakshasas was not that bad,some also has been the protectors of the human kind,because they served brahma,the ruler of the sun system.But the aryans remember in their scripts(for example ramayana)only the bad,that is why the name rakshasa stand for the“bad gigants“ of the atlanteen race.Names have power,oh,Lanoo,but often they do not express the thuth.

Romans 2.000.000 B.C.

The romans emanate from a zivilisation which had their cradle in centralasia.The anchestors of the romans are part of the third rootrace.

Russen 9.000.000 v.Chr.

Russen stammen von den Atlantäern ab und gehören einem slawischen Stamm und damit der europäischen nationalen Rasse an.Sie werden in etwa 200 Jahren aussterben und die Wesenheit in dieser Rasse wird sich dann auch höheren ,geeigneteren Vehikeln umsehen. Dasselbe Schicksal wird alle anderen Rassen ereilen.Nichts bleibt,alles ist vergänglich.

Samnitans 4.000.000 B.C.

The anchestors of the samnaritans were aryans or replacements of the fifth rootrace, which left central asia and get mixed with the atlanteens,which escaped from their sinking island.So the samnitans could also get named aryans.The same happened with the sabanians which get conquered from the romans in the third century b.C.

Siamese 4.000.000 B.C.


Siamese are part of the Mongolian family race…

Simians 8.000.000 B.C

The simians are anthropodic monkeys and like all monkeys the result from sex relation between human and animals million of years ago.The highest class of the simians and monkeys are now incarned from the fifth class monads or essences of the fifth class.Consider,oh Lanoo,the essence takes what is there and what is confirm with their condition of development or desire.That is why the fifth class monade are those who not incarned in the third rootrace,but in the „product“between human and animal,also in the anchestors of the monkeys. That means that they inherit such degenerated vehicles,which even a mnasaputra in sot able to change. But why they waited so long?One explantaition for their hesitation could be,that they was so backwards in their evolution that this underevelopted bodies came just right to them(Prof.Dr.v.Purucker). So also there is a guru in each so called worse one.But the destiny of the monkeys and apeman has also another aspect,but this one i can not discuss here.

Scandinavians 4.000.000 B.C.

Please watch the similarity with the sanskrit word“skandha“. Races are usually always manifested skandhas.

Stone age people 10.000.000 B.C.

The stone age people existed but not like Darwin thought or teached.The mental, spirituel and physical envelopment was caused through heavy atlanteen karma,slow during the so called stoneage,7.000 to 10.000 years ago.The stoneage contains a very big timeperiod.But even during the stoneage there was parallel to the stoneageman high and highest enveloped cultures and the fact is that until now we did not find marks of those cultures means nothing. Dig deeper in the ground and in the ground under water and at the places that reveals the book of light and you will find enough proofs for this here suggested.Only patience dear reader.So like today parallel exists wilds and zivilisated human and their cultures,so also they existed that times and at all times.If in one million years they will find bones of a gorilla,will this mean to this one who will find it that in the 20. century only gorillas existed? Not at all.

Tamilians 9.000.000 B.C.

The tamils live in south and north ceylon.Their anchestors are the „burned skin folk“, that means the ethiopians.And the ethiopians are atlanteens.So the tamils are placements from the atlanteens of today.

Tibetans 9.000.000 B.C.

The tibetans belong to the mongolian race. They came from the same source like the burmese, siamese and some of the people in china near indochina and at the east tibetan border. The atlantean white magicians, or rather some of them, incarnated back into the hierarchy of priests and lamas or the „yellowcaps“, whose true spirituell leader is the Tashi Lama and NOT the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama, by the way, does not teach the true doctrine of Gautama Buddha. The Tashi Lama was sent to Shigatse for exile. Many tibetan lamas (especially those of redcap orgies) are indeed a shame to buddhism. In order tob e able to fight this unfortunate development of buddhism, the true god nirvana has revealed itself to me. Some yellow cap Buddhisms inhabit as „white brotherhood“ today in their eteric bodies the etheric city „Shamballa“, above the desert gobi. Tibetans belong to the fourth rootrace and differ clearly from the caucasian group.


Whenever I am forced, to correct a great spiritual being, I do not feel good about this, but in this case it has to be done. Dr. G. de Purucker, one of the highest authorities in Secret Doctrine Blavatsky wrote in his „study of occult philosophy“ page 668, that the todas from india were o rare a „wild and barbaric“clan. That is not true. THE BOOK OF LIGHT teaches differently. The todas were „put aside“, to build in a far away future the „seed“ for a new humanity. They are gigantic in their figure and do not, like some missionaries thought, belong to the twelve jewish clans (who by the way never existed) because of their „jewish physiognomy“. It is absolutely the opposite, they, the todas, are more smilar to the greek statues in majesty of beauty and form. It is also claimed, that only a few hundred of the todas families exist today and that they will die out soon. Not true. The todas shall remain as a race long after we are gone. They live today in the djungle of the neilgherry hills in south hindustan. For the badagas, a hindu tribe, they are gods, and that is why the badagas adore them. No shaver ever touched the skin of a toda. Todas only sit and wait. Wait for what? For their time to come… to be the anchestors of a future race. To the big disappointment of christian missionaries, todas dont read or write, neither do they want to learn anything. They KNOW already everything. Poor foolish christian missionaries. They sit so close at the source of wisdom, and they waste their time, to spread their biblical fairytales. The badagas feed the todas and take care of them.The todas adore themselves too as“lord of the creation“, of which they are absolutely right, because they will be the lords or rather founders of the new race. AUM. Name the todas, if you want, sthula-putras or physical seeds for a new race. Because they want to keep their sakti as long as possible,they never wash themself and therefore are extremely unclean, which is, why one could assume, that they are wild or barbarians. If the todas are barbarians ,then we are not more but leeches. No,no, the right name for todas is rather “ sleeping gods“. The todas do not have children, do not wear juwellery and are only vested with a blanket. They only live from milk.They keep cattles,but they do not eat them.They only use their cattles for holy purposes,not necessarily for sacrifice, etc.The todas never talk to foreigners. Their huts only have a door, and no windows, but no toda was ever seen in his hut. The todas never are seen in groups. A toda is very close to the buddha plane of awarensess. A toda never becomes ill. While hundreds around them may die of diseases, the todas survive. No wild animal ever attacks a toda, not even one of their cattles. Todas were“put aside“ to be sishtas or seed for a new race. Their dirt is nothing else but a mask, like a sannyasi would put dirt on his face, to demonstrate his vow of renounciation. Every three years the todas visit a holy place,where they are charged with new lifeenergy. Then they return to the djungle. Behold oh Lanoo. Monads of the highest cosmic plane (among them we?) wait there to incarnate in the todas and their descendants. But the todas are not the only ones, who were put aside as a seed for a new race.

Veddhas 18.000.000 B.C.

The veddhas from ceylon are the lower end of the human ladder. Like the andaman islanders they belong to the third rootrace, which had sex with animals.


The savages B.C.

The savages of today (see picture) were animals on the moon. Oh,great Chohan, how did we come from the moon onto earth? Transmigration of the monad, oh Lanoo.

More about it in THE BOOK OF LIGHT.

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