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Life and death,the rise and the fall of the essences are for the next billion years to the clostest connected with the ten and twelve zodiac,because they are twelve since the split of the human in sexes circa 18.000.000 million years ago.
The constellation under which man got born is the same under which man died in past life.
Each reinkarnation assume four terms:a man ,a woman,one essence which has to incarnate and the same constellation from the past life or rather death.
The knowledge about twelve zodiac were already with the old hebrews established.They only veil the
symbolic in the name of the twelve clans and their rulers,each from them means one zodiac,so for example the ruler“REUBEN“ is described as“erratic or floating water“,but this only means simply the sing“aquarius“,etc,etc.
So the clans truely never existed,they were only covered astrology.
The stars influences always only the personality,this means body,feeling,thinking,soul and spirit.This now following pertain only the personality,from it apply:between us and nirvana there is only the personality,Who is not able to overcome this,who is not able to undone,this one can never reach the
annhilitation of all perceptions and feelings,perculiar in the best way will always be stocked in one of the lower heaven.To be able to get released from the personality,man has to be aware of the fact about the
truely nature of personality.The nun Dhammadinna axplain:“The five pieces of the hanging on are the personality,the grand said,brother Visekha,as there is a piece of hanging on at the conciousness.This five pieces of the hanging on means the personality.

But how the personality arise?The nun tells us:“This thurst,as there is the thurst of sex,the thurst of being,the thurst of good health,this is the arise of personality.

But how to dissolve personality or what is the dissolve of personality?Dhammadinna:“Even the absolutely restless dissolve of this thurst,rejection,expulsion,removement,externation,this is the dissolve of the personality.It is this eightfold
holy way,of this the Buddha said, it will lead to the dissolve of the personality,even they are:right awareness,right attitude,right talk,right action,right alternation,right effort,right comprehension,right cavity.




The still untouched physical brain of a child operate by the issue out of the mothers womb like a sensitized disk of a camera,on which now the lightprint at the moment ot the current constellations
of the stars bumps.So the newborn is positiv or negativ or both signed for his whole life.More important or deciding is however the constellation about the zodiac at the moment of conception,because the light of the stars already workson the impregnated ovum.
The constellation under which one dies is the constellation one will be born again or reincarnates.



The ruling Chohan over the aries zodiac is VARUNA.AUM to up-so down.The destiny of
all aries borns,before they reach nirvana,is to be a leader,but a spiritual leader,not an earthly orientated leader.All aries borns are first ray human(developted and/or undevelopted).The bliss for the aries borns comes from the west.


The zodiac fron the taurus is ruled from YAMA. AUM to YAMA. All under taurus borns are mainly acting like knights or in other professions which requires an intense estimation of situations etc. (referee,diplomat,etc., absolut accordant to the individual state of consciousness).Destinctiveness is their
strond side. Taurus borns are here to reflect cosmic law on earth,as up so down. May they never missuse this gift. AUM. The bliss for the taurus borns comes from the south.


AUM to PAVANA,Maha Chohan of the twin zodiac.All twin borns pursuit soon or later to the only one target:the overcoming of all earthly desires.To reach this target sometimes twins dive deeply into the world of erotic desires.Some are losing their individuality(destroying the one monade ray).
Twin borns are often spiritual,unless the tempation reaches them…..


SURYA rules over the zodiac of cancer.Cancer borns are also sunborns,because Surya is the sun.Cancerborns will experience the secret of a lonf life as the first onces when they unite their kundalini with fohat,but also because they descent from the white race,the race „that never die“.
Brilliant intelligence,hunger about real knowledge,all this in service of humanity,this is the purpose
of all cancer borns.


AUM to SOMA ( another name for the moon,the ruler over the lion zodiac).
All lion borns changed about circa 2 million years before from the moon chain to the earth.Lion borns will be master of the astral body,but a lot of them today are born with a defect astral body(disturbed about feelings,etc…).


All virgin borns are ruled by Maha Chohan KARTIKEIA.Virgin and scorpion were once one zodiac circa 18 million years before,than they split with the human,androgyn races in men and women.Thereby
the balance arise.Virgin borns have to get over with their sexdrive,espially scorpion borns,and transform into higher spitituell levels.


AUM to KOUVERA,Maha Chohan of the balance borns.Balance onces are often good negotiators but also seperators between virgin borns and scorpion borns,because virgin and scorpion like just mentioned were once one and are now through a connector,the balance,joined.


Through the balance seperated from the virgin,the scorpion crave to coalition with the virgin.This
crave and desire is strong in the scorpion,and also because the Maha Chohan of the scorpion zodiac
is KÄMA, what means desire. That is also the reason to say that virgin-balance-scorpion are building a trinity of desire,spiritual as well as low emotional.


]AUM to GANESA Maha Chohan of the sagittarius zodiac. All sagittarius borns reaches either the
heaven through white magic or hell through black magic.


Aquarius borns are ruled by INDRA: the east is their karmic ordinal direction.
Aquarius borns attain release through the fight of life.If they fight to help others they will reach heaven,if they fight because of egoism they go to hell.


The Chohan AGNI rules the fish zodiac.Fish borns have power over spiritual and real fever,but the most do not know that.They all eminated from Arani,or from Sranami,which is the matrix or the sphere mother of all sura gods.Friction,spiritual or physical,is the feverpower of the fish.They must use this power wise,otherwhile it will destroy them.


AUM to POULHAR,Maha Chohan of the zodiac capricorn.
Capricorns search and finds often wisedom in loneliness.A great secret surrounds the most of the capricorns and i will reveal this secret now.
The most capricon borns were once mental angels,they caused a war in heaven,because we refuse (as the lords of the thoughts)after the split in sexes about 18.000.000 years ago to incarn in the thoughtless third race,to make them thinking possible.At that time we were kumeras or“virgin youth“,mental angels
of the mid hirachy,without a physical body only dressed with a thoughtbody.
I was one of the leaders of this rebellion.Why we revolted against the lords of karma is explained in the book of light.It is my duty,all those who followed me at that time,to enchourage them now to step on the path to nirvana.Those who pertain to that will know what i mean.
We ruled at that time the capricorn zodiac.In the following,our sunsystem shattered until his borders,cosmic confrontation with other mental and astral angels and even with the lords of karma
(lipika) lost one third of us their homes and planets and that onces bereft of their leaderships tumbled into the sun.
Thereupon we got thrown into the third rootrace on earth.That much i can whistle:we would anyway
incarnes into the third rootrace after their split into sexes,but we want to mark the point of time.We fought and lost,but the last word about this is not spoken.
Finally,at the highest point of the cosmic battle,we sacrifice ourself and united our smudged divinebody with the „puddingbags“ of the third rootrace.
The capricorn zodiac is also named Makara,that only means exoterical „crocodil“.In truth this means five and represent to the fifth principle,the thinking,in the human.
At the moment there are five virgin mental angels or kumeras,they influence meditativ the Makara or the capricorn zodiac.There names are:SANAKA,SANANDA,SANATANA,SANTET-KUMERA and one more who represent the esoteric trinity.But there were seven main kumeras,where are the other two ?They are not existing anymore,but we,almost all capricorn borns,are their subemanations,their mental children,created through kriyesaktl.AUM.
Soon we will assume our legitimate heritage,taking our entitled place in heaven and than reaching nirvâna.
I for myself promised this millions of years before an i will keep my promise.
The prophecy will be fulfilled.AUM:

I was coming to order my army back.For those this message is specific will hear me and understand.
You have done well during the apocalypse and afterwards,all the many and often woebegone incarnations through.But now the moment has come,to fight the last battle and beat the enemy in us,the desire about fading existence.
Let us hold together in peace with the target in common,nirvana,the sense of life.


More to the „BOOK OF LIGHT“

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